The basic set of censoring preferences.


As with many parts of this package, this is essentially a baseline, and individual clients will likely extend this.


  • IPreferences


autoAnimate: boolean

Set animated images (i.e. GIFs) to be automatically animated. Behaviour of this option is currently highly inconsistent.

The options used for "covered" body part censoring.


These are used for the COVERED_* classes from NN.

enabledStickers: string[]

A list of the currently enabled categories/stores/whatever from the backend to use for stickers.

errorMode: "subtle" | "normal" | "none"

The behaviour to use when a censoring error occurs.


The behaviour of this option is not specified here, but is usually implemented as SFW/NSFW/no-op.

The options used for "exposed" body part censoring.


These are used for the EXPOSED_* classes from NN.

hideDomains: boolean

Whether to hide the domains on a given request from the backend.

The current operation mode.

obfuscateImages: boolean

Requests the backend to add a layer of obfuscation to images, designed to obfuscate the content and make reverse searching harder.

otherCensoring: {
    femaleEyes: CensorMode;
    femaleFace: CensorMode;
    femaleMouth: CensorMode;
    maleFace: CensorMode;

Special body part censoring options.

Type declaration

  • femaleEyes: CensorMode

    Censoring mode used for female eyes.

  • femaleFace: CensorMode

    Censoring mode used for female faces.

  • femaleMouth: CensorMode

    Censoring mode used for female mouth.

  • maleFace: CensorMode

    Censoring mode used for male faces.


Not all clients or backends support this.

rescaleLevel: number

A scale factor (with 1 being none) to be applied to images when they are censored.

saveLocalCopy: boolean

Request the backend to save a local copy of all censored images.


Not all backends support/implement this.

videoCensorLevel: number

Level of video censoring from 1-20, with higher being more censored.


Note that this only applies when the mode is set to "Blur".

videoCensorMode: "Block" | "Blur" | "Allow"

The mode used to censor videos.

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