ImageCensorResponse: {
    error?: string;
    id: string;
    responseData: {
        [key: string]: any;
    srcId?: string;
    url: string;

A response object for an image censoring request.

Type declaration

  • Optional error?: string

    The error message for why this request failed. Only set this if the request failed.

  • id: string

    The request ID that this response "belongs" to.


    This should always match the ID of an incoming request.

  • responseData: {
        [key: string]: any;

    Arbitrary key-value pairs for the current response.


    If you don't need this, return an empty object.

    • [key: string]: any
  • Optional srcId?: string

    It's strongly recommended (though not enforced) to return the same source ID from the request.

  • url: string

    The URL of the censored image. This can be a Data URI or a regular HTTP(S) URI.


    While returning a HTTP(S) URI here is supported, it's recommended to use a Data URI.

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