
Once you've got the repo cloned, you should be able to just do the usual install/build combo:

npm i
npm run build

That will build a production build of the extension into the dist/ directory. You can load that into the browser with the usual Load Unpacked option, but if you're going to be working on the extension that's unpleasant. You can instead run npm run serve to run a dev server. Once the initial build is done, use Load Unpacked from your browser of choice, and now webpack (via the Vue CLI) will watch for changes, rebuild on change and (theoretically) trigger a reload in your browser when required.


The docs live separately in the docs/ folder, with their own dependencies and their own docs:dev and docs:build build scripts. The docs are automatically built on change with GitHub Actions, and automatically published from the main branch.

Implementing an additional backend

Due to security limitations in the browser, it's borderline impossible to ship backends separately, so at present any additional backend support will have to be contributed directly to this repo.

At it's most basic, a backend consists of two parts: an implementation of ICensorBackend to handle the "transport" between Beta Protection and the backend, and an implementation of IBackendProvider<ICensorBackend> for that backend to "wire up" the backend with Beta Protection's events and components.


The ICensorBackend interface has some reasonably okay documentation available hereopen in new window that should help with that part. As for the provider, that will vary heavily from backend to backend, but you can see the existing examples for Beta Censoring here and for Beta Safety in this repo at src/transport/beta-safety/provider.ts.